Monday, May 7, 2012

Music Mondays: Recovery Edition

This is the first Music Monday since March. (I just couldn't keep it going while I blogged through the alphabet.)

I've been recovering a lot in the last three weeks: from the travel and vacation that happened the second to last week in April. From the A to Z Challenge. And then I caught the cold my husband brought home from someone at work. (It's unusual for him to pick up a cold. But this one managed to slip past his defenses. I've had the thought to send him back to work with a box full of vitamin c, zinc, and tea tree oil to help shore up everyone's immune system. I hate being sick and it's a fact of life that I cannot be around someone with the least amount of sniffle without catching a full blown cold.)

Needless to say, all this recovering has left me feeling as flat and (mentally) stale as an overused washcloth. Creativity/creating anything has been the last thing on my mind.

My recovery music isn't special in any particular way. It just needs to be pretty. And maybe a little uplifting.

What do you listen to when you're feeling under the weather? Or crawling your way back out of the brain fog?

1. Sparkling Angel - Within Temptation
2. Under the Milky Way - The Church
3. Nessun Dorma - Sarah Brightman
4. 4 0'Clock - Emilie Autumn
5. Un Bel Di - Maria Callas







L. M. Leffew said...

I used to catch colds very easily too, but it seemed to get better after I was diagnosed coeliac and switched to gluten free food, probably I was just starved and was immunosuppressed because of that. When I'm sick I don't listen to much music, actually, I usually just curl up under a blanket and watch Animal Planet or whatever is on at daytime.
Hope you feel better soon!

L. M. Leffew said...

Thank you. Things have finally improved around here.

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