Monday, October 8, 2012

Music Mondays: Sinister Music Edition

The house is old and looks decades abandoned. In what was once the living room, the husk of a cigarette sits on the scalloped edge of an ashtray, guarded by two coffee cups. Were it not for the long dried coffee stains in the bottom of the mugs, it would seem the drinkers had just stepped into the next room. 

And perhaps they have... From upstairs, there's a hiss of static as a radio clicks on, followed by the lamenting cry of a violin. I say I'll go through fire...And I'll go through fire....As he wants it, so it will be...

There's something spectacularly creepy about music from decades past, specifically the 50s/early 60s. Well, when used in the right context. By itself, much of it is pretty sweet and upbeat but tack the songs onto a horror movie or post apocalyptic video game and they take on a much more sinister air.

I'm kicking off October (though I'm a week late posting about it) with some of my favorite creepy tracks encountered in movies and video games.

What are some of your favorite "not creepy until used in the right context" songs?

1. Jeepers Creepers - Martha Tilton
2. Crazy He Calls Me - Billie Holiday
3. Theme from A Summer Place
4. I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire - Inkspots
5. Sleepwalk - Santo & Jonny

(This is Martha Tilton, not Billie Holiday.)



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