Tips On Writing

Tips On Writing

A collection of my posts concerning the writing process, from creativity and inspiration to writing and editing to dealing with the inevitable criticism.

Series: Everybody's a Critic

As a writer, you're going to encounter criticism, especially if you put your work out there. As a writer, you'll also - often - be in the position to offer criticism to others. This five part series takes a look into the elements that separate a good critic from a bad critic and gives you some advice on doling out and accepting criticism.

I.  Everybody's a Critic
II. Everybody's a Critic: Types of Criticism
III. Everybody's a Critic: Being a Good Critic
IV. Everybody's a Critic: Dealing With Criticism
V.  Everybody's a Critic: Responding to Criticism


Three Tips on Self Editing

Inspiration & Creativity

Stories in Dust: The Morgue File
Creative Exercises: The Image Journal
Journaling the Impossible 

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