Friday, September 9, 2011

100 Word Challenge: Some Days Alice

The doctors encouraged familiarity for calmness.

Mom had never seemed more at peace than when Alys was a girl and they curled together in her room, giggling over nonsense words. She’s thankful she saved Mom’s battered old Carroll book, her own Alice-Blue drapes and antique Sweetheart Mirror with its White Rabbit decal.

Tea for Two.
Via Laura Mardon - Flickr
Mom shifts suddenly, says “Tea time!”

“Yes, Mom. It is.”

Their places are set.

Alys pours tea, holds out a saucer. Mom plucks the two pills, crunches them and says “I do enjoy these cakes.”

There are worst places, Alys supposes, for her mother to be than Wonderland.

This week's entry for the 100 Word Challenge at Velvet Verbosity. The word was "whismy." As I've recently had my brain sucked into Burton's rendition of Alice in Wonderland, this is what came to mind.


Tara R. said...

Alice in Wonderland was the prefect setting for this piece.

barbara said...

I like this - thank you. I would like to be able to tell my daughters . . . let me eat cake and stay in my wonderland!

L. M. Leffew said...

"let me eat cake and stay in my wonderland!"

I will toast to that. If one day my mind permanently wanders, I'd certainly rather it wander down a rabbit hole.

Robin Hawke said...

Cheers -- would love to be a permanent invite.

Yve said...

Nice! Loved this. Definitely whimsical!

R.L.W. said...

Beautiful. Loved your descriptions of Mom's belongings. Also "I do enjoy these cakes" was VERY funny.

Carrie said...

sweet and sad all rolled up into one. I loved the imagery and the use of Wonderland.

Definitely full of whimsy :)

visiting from 100 words

Velvet Verbosity said...

"I do enjoy these cakes". That line was a slayer.

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