Over this long weekend, I was revisiting some of the favorites in my horror movie collection. (I've mentioned before that I'm a big horror movie fan - weaned on things like Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th.)
These days, the horror movies that make it into my "favorites" category are the ones that are less about gore and gross-out frights and more about story-telling, character building, visual spectacle and an atmosphere that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention.
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Do you have a favorite horror movie soundtrack? A particular piece of music that haunts the back of your mind or gives you goose flesh when you hear it?
1. Alessa's Harmony (Silent Hill)
2. Epilogue (Silent Hill)
3. Music Box Theme (Candyman)
4. Dream Baby - Elizabeth Fraser (In Dreams)
5. In Dreams - Roy Orbison (In Dreams)
I'm hopping today:

One of these days I'll get back to making some more content oriented posts. But until then, we'll have music.
Now, to answer the Not Mommy Hop question of the week - What is your all-time favorite song? - I have to say....I'm honestly not sure.
I'm a music fiend. It's painful to narrow down a favorite. Though John Cale's version of "Hallelujah" just might make it to that top slot.
My current-favorite song is Emilie Autumn's "Fight Like A Girl."